Whatsoever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

This week I was sitting at work and one of the patients was waiting to see the nurse. I watched her as she sat there and was complaining of being in intense pain. I couldn't help but notice she was praying and all that she said was: "Lord, I can't take this pain, please take it away from me." It really hit me because I know that we've all been in situtations where we don't see the light rather just the darkness. I was then thinking about how Mother Teresa talks about how it's harder to comfort someone who feels lonely and unloved than a hungry person who simply needs food. I sometimes feel at a complete loss at how to comfort someone who is in pain. Pain is such a difficult issue to deal with because only the person experiencing it can actually understand that is going on. Pain changes people.

At first that might sound quite depressing but then I found a quote by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross that inspired me:

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.

I truly believe this quote holds a lot of truth. All the people I really admire in life are people who have had deep suffering and terrible losses but come out of their sorrow and remember that life goes on. When I was younger I hated when my Grandmother would say that because I felt like whatever problem I was faceing was never going to get better. The older I get and the more I go through I really realize how true that statment is and that it's probably the most beautiful part of life. Life goes on. See Grandma's always know what's best even if our pre-teen selves couldn't understand! :)

We are about to go on retreat and so I only have a few minutes to write which is why I am keeping this blog short. Since I will be away for Mother's Day this weekend I guess I wanted to give my mother a shout out for Mother's Day and for being the best mother ever!

I was talking with my roommate last night and we were talking about our mothers and she asked me if I was able to tell my mother anything or if I could only tell her somethings. I immediately answered saying that I could easily tell my mother anything because my mother is non judgemental. I must also take my hat off to her for always knowing how to discipline her children well. I once remember asking my mother why she wasn't going to do anything when I did something wrong and she told me that I already punished myself worse that she would have. Having a guilty conscious like I do is never easy and having a mother who understands that has been one of the biggest blessings of mine growing up. Plus she knew I couldn't lie, and if I did she could always tell.... ALWAYS.

I love my mother very much! Happy Mothers Day!!

Love and prayers,

Ashley Ann

1 comment:

  1. So thoughtful. You do have a wonderful mother and a couple of fantastic grandmas as well! It is easier to comfort the poor than the lonely, isn't it?
