Whatsoever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me.

Saturday, November 19, 2011



Yesterday as I was at the hospital I ran into Sarah in the hallway and I asked her if it was her fault that the hospital was so much chaos and she turned to me and said "no, I was just coming to blame you". We both laughed and continued going about our massive amounts of work. Friday the hospital was absolutely packed there was not a single bed empty in Mercy Hospital. We also had a completely full day with patient after patient after patient. I think I finally ended up taking a twenty minute lunch around ohhh 2pm. I couldn't believe how there was just never a dull moment.

I enjoy the chaos of work sometimes because it keeps the day moving fast. After I finished work I had to go to the bus park to catch a bus to go home and I realized I was just going from one place of chaos to another. Yet - I use the word chaos in an endearing way, like as if the chaos because it is so constant really isn't chaos at all. Rather a well oiled machine that to someone who knows nothing about it looks like chaos, and it isn't until you fully understand the mechanics that you can understand and then begin to love the machine. I feel like that's a good way to describe the daily life in the heart of Georgetown. Yes it is crazy, madness, but beneath it all there is some system that works.

When I was at the bus park friday afternoon there was what I call a "Hobo circus". A few men who were apparently street dwellers had picked up some rope and metal rings. The proceeded to hang the rope between posts and try to walk across it, and then the did tricks jumping through the hoops. It was one of those things that you watch and laugh at and kind of makes every other thing that happened in your day seem not important. It was kind of a reminder that even though things are really tough there will always be something to make you smile.

Here is a picture of the market/bus park - although it really doesn't do it justice. This is just a very small part with not nearly as many people as normal. Plus it doesn't add in the factor of constant honking and shouting that is always present. :)

So anyway, At school this week my students started working on Microsoft PowerPoint and one of their assignments is to come up with a PowerPoint on any topic they choose. Many of them have decided to do it on themselves. One of my girls named Mohanie was writing about her best friend in her PowerPoint when she wrote: "And he is like a diary to me because I can leave all my secrets knowing that they are safe with him". I told her how much I liked what she wrote and asked her if I could share it. I felt like it was so insightful and well written and made me remember how much potential all my students have. We all have secrets that make us vulnerable to other people and she is describing such a beautiful relationship. A relationship of complete security. What a beautiful thing.

I said that I would put up some stuff about the upcoming elections on November 28th. I would first like to say I have no political views in Guyana and am simply putting up information that others might find interesting.

One of the major differences I have found is that there are Political signs EVERYWHERE. Maybe I forget what its like back home but there are major banners, billboards, and signs posted to every telephone and light post that you can see.

The party in office right now is the PPP/C the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic. If you click here you can see their facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/votepppc#!/votepppc?sk=info
If you would like to look at their official website it is here: http://www.ppp-civic.org/new/

This picture of the party rally was taken on Regent Street - the "main street" of Georgetown. It was during a parade on nomination day. All of the parties had a parade before officially declaring their candidates. (This is if memory serves me correctly) 

The two people I circled are the Current president on the Left and the running president on the right.


APNU is not a political party, but an association of political parties, Guyanese organisations and citizens that share a common desire to ensure a bright future for our country and citizens, guided by our Statement of Principles.

The name, “A PARTNERSHIP FOR NATIONAL UNITY”, (APNU), and our symbol were carefully selected after a prolonged period of collaboration, consultation and discussion with ...the wider Guyanese society.

The First word “A” emphasises the moving away from multiple interests into a cohesive unit, hence: A Partnership for National Unity.

The term “Partnership” was preferred over other suggestions such as “Alliance”, “Coalition”, etc., to convey the idea of sharing: shared power and governance; shared dividends; shared responsibilities.

“National” refers to the homeland Guyana.

“Unity” is the launching pad for everything and one does not have to spell out reconstruction, reconciliation, development, etc.; Unity gives the level playing field, as does partnership, thus the removal of all barriers to everything else.

The Symbol, “The Palm of the Hands”, reflect the importance of all partners: their hands and their fingers working together.

The symbols on the palm of one hand identify the initial partners from JOPP offering to the people of Guyana, represented by the map of Guyana in the other hand, an opportunity to work together in a Government of National Unity for the benefit of all our citizens.

The two palms of the hand remind us all that the future/destiny of Guyana lies, literally, in the palm of our, (Guyanese), hands.
See More

To demonstrate our commitment to national unity and to fulfil the requirements of the Election Laws of Guyana, the members of A PARTNERSHIP FOR NATIONAL UNITY will contest the 2011 General and Regional Elections as a single united List of Candidates with: a common symbol; a consensus Presidential Candidate, Mr. David Arthur Granger; a single Representative and a single Deputy Representative of the List of Candidates; an agreed Electoral Platform; and, a unified campaign organisation and management.
(Copy and pasted from their facebook page)

Their Offical Website:

This is the presidential candidate, David Granger, with some children.

The last major party that I see campaigning is the AFC. Alliance for Change.


We commit to -

... * Establishing a caring government where the suffering and the plight of the poor, the elderly in particular, youths, the issues of gender and Guyanese in general will be addressed in a timely manner.

* Creating a stable social and political environment where the rule of law is upheld to attract suitable local, regional and foreign direct investment for the creation of jobs, economic development, self reliance, wealth and the alleviation of poverty, consistent with the Millennium Development Goals.

* Dealing with the crime situation in the country in a holistic way and returning the country to a satisfactory level of security where our people could once again feel physically secure in their homes, places of work and recreation.

* Working towards the development of trust between government and the people, between local professionals and government; between the private sector and government; between investors and government; between all the ethnic groups in Guyana and government.

* Re-establishing a qualified and professionally competent public service and a National Insurance and Social Security Scheme that is relevant to the financial and economic realities of the Guyanese society.

* Restoring the principle of separation of powers, strengthening the three arms of the State by reforming the Parliamentary System, improving the standards of the judiciary as well as inculcating in government a culture of excellence and service to the people.

* Developing institutional arrangements for the mutually beneficial utilization of the expertise and financial means of the Diaspora.

* Conserving the natural heritage and the biodiversity of out country in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

* Creating a system of education and moral guidance that will unlock the potential of our children in an environment of equal treatment and equal opportunity to give support to the family structure.


Information taken off of their offical Facebook page - which is linked above. 

I only have a few minutes before my time at the internet runs out - So I am cutting this a little bit short. But those are the three parties that are running for this election. 

I hope you all have a very blessed week. Keep positive and enjoy the weather for me!! Take care of yourself. 

All my love, 

Ashley Ann 

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