Whatsoever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Two little boys, one miss, and one cup of icecream


This has been a good but crazy week! Last weekend was full of visiting people and relaxing. I don't have anything too crazy to note.

However- On Monday it was the Feast of St. John Bosco... At the orphanage we had a nice dinner!! It was crazy! At one point we were having ice cream and the power went out. One of the "babies" was crying so I went over and put him on my lap. However I wasn't finished with my ice cream and another "baby" came to sit with me too. I had one cup of ice cream and we all ended up sharing. One of the boys kept saying "Wendell, Sanje, Miss Lathely" It was super cute. It is moments like these they help me to keep going. I ended up bringing one of them up to bed because the power was still off. I couldn't help but think to myself the terrible reality of the fact that no one person puts him to bed every night. I want to input that the orphanage does a great job - but that doesn't replace a parent. I could not help but think to myself that we want all of the stuff we could possible take in the world... but yet children sometimes get left behind. How terrible to think that children can take a back seat to something much less important.

On tuesday we went to a party for a man that is moving to the US for good. I ended up playing with the children for most of the time. I found that quite ironic because I spend most of my time with children anyway. I am glad that I can still enjoy children outside of work.

On wednesday I had a friend come and teach us how to make cook-up. I've really gotten into learning how to make Guyanese foods and really look forward to being able to cook more when I get home!! It is always really good to learn from people.

I guess maybe that has been my lesson this week is that even when we think we are right (which I often think I am) we can always learn. I have always loved being a student. Whether that was learning to cook back home from my relatives or reading a book on religion I loved learning. I guess this is a passion we can't let go to waste. Education is so important and so many people have been deprived of education. Therefore I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities to learn. If I kept my mouth shut more and listened I would be wiser. If I stopped thinking that I always knew what was right I would probably see things more clearly. We can always be the student each day, sometimes we just have to set aside the pride.

Other than that this week has been full of my normal routine and life. I can't believe I only have 18 months left in Guyana. I feel like time is flying by so fast and before I know it I will be back home. So I try to take things one day at a time. I try to sit with people and listen - to absorb what I can because time is something we can't get back.

If I have learned anything here - it is that we can make the most of our time even when we think that we are wasting it. Take the time to talk with someone while you are waiting... or reflect on your day... Each moment is what we make it. Life is not made up of days... it is made up of moments.

Anyway - This weekend has been good. We had another friend come and cook up beef curry last night. It was good however it was SUPER SPICY... I still do miss plain ol' meat and potatoes.

I hope you are all alive and well. Thinking of you -


Ashley Ann

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your posts, Ashley, as you share with us what you are learning and also share how your view of life changes. My eyes have been opened over the past several years regarding the materialism we all share here in the U.S. We just keep buying and wanting and buying and wanting and you know what? It never satisfies and it never ends! ugh! I think of all the money I have wasted and the things I have purchased that are of no importance. There are people in this world with nothing! I am working on changing my ways, slowly but surely. It isn't easy, but it is so necessary! I don't want to be wasteful and I want to give more! I don't want to see myself in 20 more years having done nothing to relieve the needs of the poor and abandoned.
