Whatsoever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

MGD and rice crispies!!

Hello Friends and Family,

I have had an interesting week. Lisa our director was here. It was a great start to the week because she brought us presents that our family had sent to her. My mother sent me some clothes which was a really huge blessing. But I suppose that makes it sound like the clothes were better than Lisa... Lisa was really the true blessing.

Although it was a blessing to have Lisa this week I do have to admit that I had a pretty terrible week. You ever have those times where you just feel like everything is going wrong? I was thinking about how to really phrase this in a blog because I feel you must be prudent when sharing your thoughts on the internet and I realized that its okay to have bad weeks. Everyone has those days when they feel like throwing in the towel and I guess what makes the difference is when you don't.

I've learned that being away from home can be difficult because you are used to being able to pick up a phone and call those who you love or even perhaps going to go and see them. This for me was impossible. I did learn that I have much support right in my own home from Audrey and Sarah. They seem like angels to me and it makes living away from home much easier.

However as I am a true optimist there has been many good things this week. I had two students teach me how to make Channa and Palori which are Guyanese food. They tasted AMAZING. It was a really good experience to be able to learn and also bond with the students I love so dearly.

On Wednesday I went over to a friend I met from the Embassy and she had MGD and made rice crispies (I helped!!). It was a really good taste of home.

Lisa also bought us lunch on Sunday. (Not in chronological order today!) She had us try new foods we hadn't yet gotten around to. Good choice! Lisa is not only a great listener but also a great food guide.

This weekend we went to dinner with some short term volunteers and then invited them over to our house the next night. One of my Guyanese friends was talking to the American and she didn't understand what he was saying. I said it in my American accent but she still didn't understand the phrase and I realized that I forgot how I would normally say it back home. I guess my speech has changed since I have been here!! It was really great to have them around and to see some new faces even if just for a few days. They also left us some granola bars and banana grams!!! SUPER EXCITIED!!!

So I guess in the end after writing this I am reminded that amid even the worst of weeks there can still be much good. I ask for prayers for my girls and the situations they encounter each day. I ask for prayers for myself, Sarah and Audrey that we may continue to face challenges together. And finally I assure you of my prayers that you know even among the worst of times life still has much providence.

Love and prayers,

Ashley Ann

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for you, Ashley. Praying for you to have comfort away from home and for your relationships there to be what you need to enjoy life there. Also for your students and their futures. Everyone has a bad week, and I can't even imagine how hard it is to deal with down feelings or frustrations when you are not around the ones you have always counted on to talk to! Hang in there and keep looking to the positive!
