Whatsoever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Jumping railings and sweet bruises


I feel like everyday in August gets hotter, and I hear I am not alone in this! Its crazy to think that back home summer vacation is almost over when I am just about to get a short break when summer classes finish next week.

Last weekend I chilled at home on friday night, saturday I went around town and did errands, church and went out with Sarah and Audrey. Sunday was a good day at the house just chilling out. I tried to make my grandma's saturday soup - it turned out alright, the only thing is that I added too many tomatoes, but the dumplings turned out good! :)

This week while working at the hospital I had to stay late on Wednesday to help out with the evening clinic. I was a little tired out and didn't really feel excited about staying. I saw a couple patients and then when the next came in I was completely out of energy. I asked  the person about their doctor visit they began to speak and didn't stop for a very long time. I would have thought that this would have drained my energy more than helped it - but for some reason listening to him gave me a second wind. I then thought to myself if I hadn't volunteered to stay and rather left at my normal time I would have never been able to get back this second wind. It made me very conscious of the small decision we make in life that can either make or break our day. After that each client had the same effect and by the time I was finished I felt better than when I had started the day. Sometime I wonder why I doubt myself or my energy so much - in the end it always ends up working out.

I do have a funny story to go with my work this day. When I finished working I realized my boss had locked up without saying goodbye to me, which is very odd. When I go and look I realized he locked my purse inside of his office. I ended up having to jump over a railing and try to open the office window to get my purse. In the end I was left with a very large bruise and no purse. Don't worry my other boss was the one who encouraged me to try this method so I was not in any trouble. At the end of the day someone had to come back to the office to let me in. I had some papers that I needed right away the next morning in the office so we had to get in. :) Oh life.

The summer computer class that I am teaching is still continuing to go well. I enjoy the slow pace that we are able to go at and I really enjoy working with young children. Next week friday the last finishes and when that happens I will be sad to see them go but at the same time I will be happy to have a week off!

I've been reflecting a lot this week on public transportation and the amount of time it takes to get places. Audrey and I leave the house at 7:30 each morning and reach work at about 8:30 each morning. So many things happen in that hour while we are on the bus and walking... we see people we know, we talk with people on the bus, we sit and observe the scenery. I realize that this time of the day is what gives me the opportunity to think through and reflect on my previous day. For some strange reason I really enjoy my daily commute. I always find myself fascinated by people and the craziness that goes on. I realize that if I had to do this forever I would get mighty sick of it, however for now I have learned to enjoy something that I just can't avoid.

This weekend or Sat/Sun/Mon I am taking a trip into the interior with some of my friends. I am excited to get a chance to get away from the noise of Georgetown. I realize this week that when I wake up at 5 am I really enjoy just laying in bed and listening to the silent of the city. I know that shortly the dogs will start barking or the chickens a couple houses down will start to make crazy noises. After that the cars and buses will start to drive by and honk continuously. Georgetown will never be known for being quiet - that is something I am sure of. I have had to learn to find the silence among the chaos. I do miss the silence because I feel like silence is healing for my soul - In the silent of our hearts God speaks and sometimes there are just too many noises to focus on anything.

Have a blessed week,

Ashley Ann

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