Whatsoever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandpa! :)

Today is my Grandpa's Birthday - Happy Birthday from down South. :)

I am on a little early today because I had to take my girls to "The Palms" today. This is the government run nursing home. Now - when a Guyanese tells you that they have shock going there - you can only imagine the shock that I had experienced. We simply took a tour around and it is hard to describe in words the experience. The Guyanese teacher that I was with decided that she had to leave early because she was so sorrowfully moved by what we saw. Now I could focus on the negative but in this moment I actually had a lot to be joyful about. My girls after we were done asked if they could go and work with the patients and "platt" their hair. (Put it in cornrolls) This was a really huge blessing because its so hott many of them want their hair done they just don't have anyone to do it for them. All of my girls are very sweet and I really enjoy getting up for work in the morning to be with them. Don't get me wrong - there are many struggles every day - but my girls are what keeps me going.

This week since I last wrote has been good. We've started to have a few more vistors - come over, watch tv and just hang out. I've decided that I need to start writing down small instances each day because otherwise I forget by the time that I get to writing my blog. One of my favorite moments this week is I am helping a boy read and another girl came and sat with us who reads at an even lower level than him. He pushed the book over to her and she started to read - rather than him getting frustrated at her slowness he started to tutor her with the words and then when they got to a word that they both didn't know they would look at me. I really enjoy working with them both on my lunch break.

Mr. Lambert took us out on wednesday night to two different "bars". Now they are nothing like a bar. There are just a place where there is tabels and chairs and you can go find a person and buy a beer. Now at the first place I had no idea who we would have asked if Lambert wasn't with us. But it was good because we just sat around and talked. He is really good at showing us around Georgetown.

Today I was walking down the road and walking towards the bus stop when I see a bus conductor call out to me "Kitty/Cambaville" - this is the right bus. So I get on and the bus driver asks the conductor where I am going and he says Pere Street. I started to laugh to myself because no where in here had I told the conductor where I was going. They really have started to remember me and where I am going. I actually was thinking about how the mini bus may be one of my favorite parts about Georgetown. There is always a random smattering of people. Now don't get me wrong there are crabby conductors - but for the most part i've had a really good experience. Especially because we use the same buses over and over that they wouldn't want to make you mad because each bus is its own independent company.

I don't think I will ever get used to walking down the road and seeing random animals. And now - i'm not talking about roads on the edge of town, but everywhere. There was a goat outside of house the other night just wandering. One time I was "down by town" - busy area where the major market is - and I saw a random donkey - not tied up no one looking after it, just wandering around.

I did have some sad news this week when I found out the Sister of Mercy that I ate dinner with in Detroit passed away. She was a very sweet and beautiful soul and I was glad that I had met her. She was a very driven and motivated person.

Well anyway, I just came on here for a few minutes today to check something - so until next time wishing you the best.



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