Whatsoever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Gma and Uncle Matt

Hello Everyone,

It feels like this week went by in a blink of an eye. Last weekend ended up being a really laid back weekend in which we all did a whole lot of nothing. On Sunday night we ended up going out with a friend who helps to teach the boys at the orphanage music. It was alright. I ended up talking with a good friend for a long time Sunday night. I find it really good to talk with people who are very objective and don't let emotions cloud their thinking. Sometimes this can lead to the harsh truth when maybe you want something sugar coated but for me that is exactly what I need. If I go to someone who is going to try and make me feel better rather than showing me how ridiculous I am being then I don't start to think rationally. I am glad that I even have friends here who will help put me back in place. :)

This week at work was fine. I spent a lot of time giving tests and observing the students as the term is coming to the end. It is crazy to think that at the end of July I will be done with these students. They came into the school the same time I came into Guyana and I feel like together we have both done a lot of growing and changing. Hopefully for the better! :)

Work at the hospital was fine this week. I ended up having a conversation for a long time with someone about God and HIV. Although I believe miracles could happen, I had to convince the person how important it is for them to rely on medicine vs. the fact that God will cure them from HIV. We should not have faith without reason - but also people are taught that God can do anything. I think that can be a fine line in peoples minds and sometimes it can end up being dangerous for people with conditions that are slowly killing them. If you are stranded out in the middle of the ocean trying to get to safety and you keep asking God to help without trying to row the boat yourself you are never going to get anywhere. We always have to have faith but we have to row our own boats too.

I did forget to mention that last weekend my family ended up calling me! I was laying in bed about to fall asleep when my phone rang. My family was together for my Grandmothers birthday party. It was really good to hear from them all as they all sounded like they were having a really good time! I was sad to miss my grandmothers birthday. I have lived with my Gma Theresa since I was eight years old! There are so many things that I have learned from my grandma that if I took the time to write them all out I would far surpass my time on the internet. She always taught me to iron my clothes, sit up straight, and have the proper manners. She also always lead by example in teaching me compassion. My grandmother always goes above and beyond to do things for other people. She forgives easily and always helps other whenever they ask. My grandmother took care of my great grandmother for years and year and never did I ever hear her complain. If I live life to be half the person she is I will be a great person.

It was my Uncle Matt's birthday yesterday! My uncle Matt was the man who taught me how to ride my bike without training wheels. I still remember we were having a conversation at lunch at my Gma's and he couldn't believe that I still had training wheels. He told me after lunch I was going to go learn to ride without them. I remember going out there and him running beside me telling me he had the bike - but really I was riding on my own. This memory reminds me of how sometimes we just need to have someone believe in us in order to have the faith in ourselves. My uncle Matt has always had great support for me in my time here in Guyana and I am very thankful for that! (And for everything he teaches me about cooking!)

Well, I have also had a very quiet weekend this weekend. Friday night I ended up reading for most of the night. It was a really good time just to escape from life for a bit and enjoy things. Yesterday I spent the day doing errands and then ended up traveling out of town 22 km for a BBQ. It was fine although in true Guyanese fashion we ended up waiting like three hours for food. By the time we got our food we ended up leaving and going home. It was good food so at least it was somewhat worth the wait. Monday is a holiday here as well so I am excited for a long weekend. The holiday is CARICOM day and I am not sure exactly what it is about. CARICOM is the Caribbean community thing - I should probably be more specific but I am unsure myself. Anyway - I hope you all have a good week.

I will leave you with a quote that my good friend ZPR left on my facebook wall:

No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth. ~Robert Southey
Have a blessed and happy 4th of July! Wishing I could be in the states to celebrate! Happy Birthday America!
Love and prayers, 
Ashley Ann

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